The South African Mathematics Challenge is aimed at testing conceptual knowledge, the application of knowledge in new situations, problem solving, reasoning, communication and general mathematical thinking. For more information about this challenge visit official website of SAMC at
Large Numbers, Roman Numerals, Multiplication, Division, Mixed Operations, Unitary Method, Geometry, Natural and Whole Numbers, Fractions, Measurement - Length, Mass & Capacity, Decimals, Time, Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc., Logical Reasoning, Money Transactions, Symmetry, Graphs, Numbers, Tangram, Tiling, estimation, Data Handling

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Large Numbers, Roman Numerals, Multiplication, Division, Mixed Operations, Unitary Method, Natural and Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Geometry, Measurement - Length, Mass & Capacity, Ratio & Proportions, Percentages, Time, Money Transactions, Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc., Logical Reasoning, Number System, Computation Operations, Data Handling, Graphs, Numbers, Pictograph, Simplification

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Large Numbers, Natural and Whole Numbers, Integers, Fractions, Decimals, Ratio & Proportions, Percentages, Geometry, Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc., Algebra, Data Handling, Logical Reasoning, Unitary Method, Symmetry, Number System, Linear Equations In One Variable, Simplification, Triangles, Quadratic Equations, Numbers, Cubes and Cube Root

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Algebra, Integers, Symmetry, Data Handling, Logical Reasoning, Fractions, Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc., Geometry, Exponents and Powers, Decimals, Rational Numbers, Percentages, Ratio & Proportions, Congruence of Triangles, Trigonometry, Numbers

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